Fiscal data

Data summary

Overall and Primary Balance - Non Financial Public Sector

Units: Millions USD and GDP percentage

Frequency: Yearly, cumulative Jan-Mar

Main operations - Non Financial Public Sector

Units: Millions USD and GDP percentage

Frequency: Yearly, cumulative Jan-Mar

NFPS revenue

Accumulated Jan-Mar

Composition of NFPS revenue

Accumulated Jan-Mar

Current Expenditure of NFPS

Accumulated Jan-Mar

Capital Expenditure of NFPS

Accumulated Jan-Mar

Primary and Total Current Expenditure of NFPS

Accumulated Jan-Mar

YoY rate of Primary and Total Current Expenditure of NFPS

Accumulated Jan-Mar

Overall and Primary Balance of the General State Budget + Petroleum Derivatives Account (CFDD)

Accumulated Jan-Apr

Core Operations of Central Government Budget + Petroleum Derivatives Account (CFDD)

Accumulated Jan-Apr