Trade Balance / Exports

Accumulated Trade Balance

Accumulated Jan-Apr

Monthly Evolution of the Trade Balance

USD, millions

Monthly Oil Exports

YoY rate

Monthly Non-Oil Products Exports

YoY rate

Exports by Main Product and Economic Destination

USD FOB, millions, Accumulated Jan-Apr

DestinationProduct2023: Jan-Apr2024: Jan-AprChange
USD FOB mill.%
Rest of the world TOTAL -1,574.89 -1,694.34 0,-119.45 00-7.58%
BANANAS 0,-619.65 0,-588.90 0,0-30.76 00-4.96%
COCOA 0,-128.69 0,-341.39 0,-212.70 -165.28%
SHRIMP 0,-175.15 0,-213.06 0,0-37.90 0-21.64%
NATURAL FLOWERS 0,-120.68 0,-122.23 0,00-1.55 00-1.28%
GOLD 0,-177.72 0,-113.76 0,0-63.97 0-35.99%
OTHER 0,-353.00 0,-315.00 0,0-38.00 0-10.76%
United States TOTAL -1,412.59 -1,649.66 0,-237.07 0-16.78%
SHRIMP 0,-427.88 0,-564.75 0,-136.87 0-31.99%
BANANAS 0,-158.49 0,-179.57 0,0-21.08 0-13.30%
GOLD 0,-118.47 0,-148.40 0,0-29.92 0-25.26%
NATURAL FLOWERS 0,-107.95 0,-118.73 0,0-10.77 00-9.98%
COCOA 0,0-39.05 0,0-73.11 0,0-34.06 0-87.23%
OTHER 0,-560.75 0,-565.10 0,00-4.35 00-0.78%
European Union TOTAL -1,363.56 -1,647.17 0,-283.61 0-20.80%
BANANAS 0,-401.21 0,-392.54 0,00-8.66 00-2.16%
SHRIMP 0,-332.02 0,-365.57 0,0-33.55 0-10.10%
CANNED FISH 0,-215.85 0,-273.66 0,0-57.80 0-26.78%
COCOA 0,0-63.75 0,-237.59 0,-173.84 -272.67%
OTHER MINING PRODUCTS 0,0-77.98 0,0-98.36 0,0-20.39 0-26.14%
OTHER 0,-272.75 0,-279.45 0,00-6.70 00-2.46%
China TOTAL -2,082.55 -1,535.90 0,-546.65 0-26.25%
SHRIMP -1,511.29 0,-965.19 0,-546.10 0-36.13%
LEAD AND COPPER CONCENTRATE 0,-371.49 0,-331.95 0,0-39.54 0-10.64%
OTHER MINING PRODUCTS 0,0-75.56 0,0-75.93 0,00-0.38 00-0.50%
BANANAS 0,0-44.60 0,0-45.07 0,00-0.47 00-1.06%
FISHMEAL 0,0-11.13 0,0-33.47 0,0-22.34 -200.65%
OTHER 0,0-68.48 0,0-84.29 0,0-15.81 0-23.09%
Latin American Integration Association (ALADI) TOTAL 0,-746.10 0,-824.29 0,0-78.19 0-10.48%
CANNED FISH 0,-112.05 0,-136.58 0,0-24.53 0-21.89%
BANANAS 0,0-93.66 0,0-78.51 0,0-15.15 0-16.17%
OTHER MANUFACTURES OF METAL 0,0-52.66 0,0-66.75 0,0-14.09 0-26.75%
OTHER WOOD PRODUCTS 0,0-64.81 0,0-62.42 0,00-2.39 00-3.70%
EXTRACTS AND VEGETABLE OILS 0,0-39.59 0,0-53.32 0,0-13.73 0-34.69%
OTHER 0,-383.33 0,-426.71 0,0-43.38 0-11.32%
European Free Trade Association (EFTA) TOTAL 0,-124.53 0,-118.90 0,00-5.62 00-4.51%
GOLD 0,-115.26 0,-112.02 0,00-3.23 00-2.80%
BANANAS 0,00-4.74 0,00-3.96 0,00-0.78 0-16.41%
NATURAL FLOWERS 0,00-3.64 0,00-1.92 0,00-1.71 0-47.13%
OTHER FRUITS 0,00-0.03 0,00-0.20 0,00-0.16 -503.20%
OTHER AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS 0,00-0.10 0,00-0.14 0,00-0.04 0-39.09%
OTHER 0,00-0.76 0,00-0.66 0,00-0.10 0-13.16%
Central American Common Market (MCCA) TOTAL 0,0-66.60 0,0-99.93 0,0-33.33 0-50.05%
SHRIMP 0,0-10.14 0,0-26.87 0,0-16.73 -164.92%
RAW TOBACCO 0,0-15.03 0,0-16.85 0,00-1.82 0-12.08%
OTHER MANUFACTURES OF METAL 0,00-6.95 0,0-12.30 0,00-5.35 0-77.04%
OTHER CHEMICALS AND PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS 0,00-3.59 0,00-8.86 0,00-5.27 -147.00%
OTHER GOODS 0,00-6.29 0,00-8.30 0,00-2.01 0-31.98%
OTHER 0,0-24.60 0,0-26.75 0,00-2.15 00-8.74%
TOTAL: NON-OIL EXPORTS-7,370.81-7,570.180,-199.3700-2.70%
Exports by Main Product and Economic Destination

Tons, thousands, Accumulated Jan-Apr

DestinationProduct2023: Jan-Apr2024: Jan-AprChange
Tonnes, thousands%
Rest of the world TOTAL -1,446.54 -1,296.68 0,-149.86 0-10.36%
BANANAS -1,170.70 -1,012.70 0,-158.00 0-13.50%
OTHER WOOD PRODUCTS 0,0-68.15 0,0-66.19 0,00-1.96 00-2.88%
COCOA 0,0-51.04 0,0-61.28 0,0-10.24 0-20.07%
SHRIMP 0,0-26.07 0,0-35.73 0,00-9.66 0-37.04%
NATURAL FLOWERS 0,0-23.73 0,0-22.28 0,00-1.45 00-6.11%
OTHER 0,-106.85 0,0-98.50 0,00-8.35 00-7.81%
European Union TOTAL 0,-942.69 0,-931.60 0,0-11.09 00-1.18%
BANANAS 0,-705.70 0,-650.42 0,0-55.28 00-7.83%
SHRIMP 0,0-49.66 0,0-59.67 0,0-10.01 0-20.16%
CANNED FISH 0,0-41.11 0,0-53.87 0,0-12.76 0-31.05%
COCOA 0,0-24.27 0,0-37.74 0,0-13.46 0-55.47%
BANANA PRODUCTS 0,0-19.50 0,0-23.92 0,00-4.43 0-22.70%
OTHER 0,-102.45 0,-105.98 0,00-3.53 00-3.45%
United States TOTAL 0,-678.38 0,-648.55 0,0-29.82 00-4.40%
BANANAS 0,-359.87 0,-287.89 0,0-71.98 0-20.00%
SHRIMP 0,0-61.26 0,0-81.85 0,0-20.59 0-33.61%
PLANTAINS 0,0-57.22 0,0-68.99 0,0-11.76 0-20.55%
PLYWOOD AND PRSS WOOD 0,0-25.02 0,0-25.45 0,00-0.43 00-1.71%
BANANA PRODUCTS 0,0-20.20 0,0-20.06 0,00-0.14 00-0.70%
OTHER 0,-154.81 0,-164.31 0,00-9.50 00-6.14%
Latin American Integration Association (ALADI) TOTAL 0,-589.11 0,-608.14 0,0-19.03 00-3.23%
BANANAS 0,-162.07 0,-145.84 0,0-16.22 0-10.01%
OTHER WOOD PRODUCTS 0,0-89.55 0,0-88.45 0,00-1.10 00-1.23%
EXTRACTS AND VEGETABLE OILS 0,0-31.00 0,0-48.59 0,0-17.59 0-56.73%
OTHER GOODS 0,0-54.79 0,0-44.03 0,0-10.76 0-19.63%
OTHER MANUFACTURES OF METAL 0,0-21.63 0,0-37.06 0,0-15.43 0-71.37%
OTHER 0,-230.07 0,-244.17 0,0-14.10 00-6.13%
China TOTAL 0,-566.68 0,-528.96 0,0-37.72 00-6.66%
SHRIMP 0,-246.52 0,-199.65 0,0-46.87 0-19.01%
LEAD AND COPPER CONCENTRATE 0,-177.16 0,-166.28 0,0-10.88 00-6.14%
BANANAS 0,0-74.23 0,0-72.37 0,00-1.86 00-2.51%
OTHER MINING PRODUCTS 0,0-27.23 0,0-29.75 0,00-2.53 00-9.28%
FISHMEAL 0,00-7.70 0,0-22.64 0,0-14.94 -194.19%
OTHER 0,0-33.84 0,0-38.27 0,00-4.43 0-13.09%
Central American Common Market (MCCA) TOTAL 0,0-66.17 0,-138.78 0,0-72.61 -109.72%
OTHER GOODS 0,0-44.25 0,-114.12 0,0-69.87 -157.88%
OTHER CHEMICALS AND PHARMACEUTICAL PRODUCTS 0,00-2.48 0,00-5.59 0,00-3.11 -125.06%
OTHER MANUFACTURES OF METAL 0,00-2.18 0,00-4.71 0,00-2.53 -116.06%
SHRIMP 0,00-2.03 0,00-3.23 0,00-1.20 0-58.88%
OTHER WOOD PRODUCTS 0,00-0.90 0,00-2.22 0,00-1.32 -147.43%
OTHER 0,0-14.33 0,00-8.91 0,00-5.42 0-37.82%
European Free Trade Association (EFTA) TOTAL 0,00-9.36 0,00-7.83 0,00-1.53 0-16.38%
BANANAS 0,00-8.49 0,00-7.31 0,00-1.18 0-13.84%
NATURAL FLOWERS 0,00-0.64 0,00-0.31 0,00-0.33 0-51.75%
BANANA PRODUCTS 0,00-0.02 0,00-0.10 0,00-0.07 -286.94%
CANNED AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS 0,00-0.06 0,00-0.06 0,00-0.00 00-2.01%
OTHER FRUITS 0,00-0.01 0,00-0.04 0,00-0.03 -362.30%
OTHER 0,00-0.14 0,00-0.01 0,00-0.13 0-92.86%
TOTAL: NON-OIL EXPORTS-4,298.93-4,160.540,-138.3900-3.22%
Exports by Main Products

USD FOB, millions, Accumulated Jan-Apr

Category2023: Jan-Apr2024: Jan-Apr Change
USD FOB millionsShare of total (%)USD FOB millionsShare of total (%)USD FOB millions%
Total exports 0-9,989.94 -100.00% -10,985.23 -100.00% 0,-995.29 00-9.96%
Oil products 0-2,619.13 0-26.22% 0-3,415.04 0-31.09% 0,-795.92 0-30.39%
Crude 0-2,266.95 0-22.69% 0-3,075.70 0-28.00% 0,-808.75 0-35.68%
Byproducts 00,-352.18 00-3.53% 00,-339.34 00-3.09% 0,0-12.83 00-3.64%
Non-oil products 0-7,370.81 0-73.78% 0-7,570.18 0-68.91% 0,-199.37 00-2.70%
Primary exports 0-5,970.40 0-59.76% 0-6,015.55 0-54.76% 0,0-45.15 00-0.76%
Shrimp 0-2,485.36 0-24.88% 0-2,169.44 0-19.75% 0,-315.92 0-12.71%
Banana and plantain 0-1,388.26 0-13.90% 0-1,350.78 0-12.30% 0,0-37.48 00-2.70%
Mining products 0-1,052.86 0-10.54% 00,-965.50 00-8.79% 0,0-87.36 00-8.30%
Cocoa 00,-250.07 00-2.50% 00,-701.15 00-6.38% 0,-451.08 -180.38%
Natural flowers 00,-348.01 00-3.48% 00,-355.76 00-3.24% 0,00-7.74 00-2.23%
Wood 00,-110.04 00-1.10% 00,-125.50 00-1.14% 0,0-15.46 0-14.04%
Tuna and fish 00,-109.59 00-1.10% 00,-111.11 00-1.01% 0,00-1.51 00-1.38%
Fruits 00,0-99.89 00-1.00% 00,-107.15 00-0.98% 0,00-7.26 00-7.27%
Other 00,0-65.47 00-0.66% 00,0-71.78 00-0.65% 0,00-6.31 00-9.64%
Raw tobacco 00,0-49.62 00-0.50% 00,0-45.22 00-0.41% 0,00-4.40 00-8.86%
Manila hemp 00,00-7.18 00-0.07% 00,00-8.71 00-0.08% 0,00-1.53 0-21.24%
Coffee 00,00-4.04 00-0.04% 00,00-3.46 00-0.03% 0,00-0.58 0-14.45%
Industrialized exports 0-1,400.41 0-14.02% 0-1,554.63 0-14.15% 0,-154.23 0-11.01%
Canned sea food 00,-426.06 00-4.26% 00,-499.05 00-4.54% 0,0-72.99 0-17.13%
Other industrialized 00,-333.73 00-3.34% 00,-308.38 00-2.81% 0,0-25.34 00-7.59%
Other metal manufactures 00,-122.67 00-1.23% 00,-139.66 00-1.27% 0,0-16.99 0-13.85%
Banana products 00,0-66.19 00-0.66% 00,0-73.22 00-0.67% 0,00-7.03 0-10.62%
Cocoa products 00,0-42.60 00-0.43% 00,0-72.36 00-0.66% 0,0-29.76 0-69.87%
Chemicals and pharmaceuticals 00,0-57.13 00-0.57% 00,0-65.15 00-0.59% 0,00-8.01 0-14.02%
Vegetable extracts and oils 00,0-55.74 00-0.56% 00,0-64.31 00-0.59% 0,00-8.58 0-15.38%
Leather, plastic and rubber manufacturing 00,0-64.06 00-0.64% 00,0-58.81 00-0.54% 0,00-5.25 00-8.19%
Fishmeal 00,0-19.71 00-0.20% 00,0-50.90 00-0.46% 0,0-31.19 -158.20%
Juices and fruit preserves 00,0-49.26 00-0.49% 00,0-40.00 00-0.36% 0,00-9.26 0-18.79%
Coffee products 00,0-40.28 00-0.40% 00,0-39.56 00-0.36% 0,00-0.72 00-1.79%
Other sea products 00,0-19.88 00-0.20% 00,0-36.00 00-0.33% 0,0-16.12 0-81.07%
Plywood and chipboard 00,0-29.23 00-0.29% 00,0-27.47 00-0.25% 0,00-1.76 00-6.03%
Textile manufactures 00,0-22.02 00-0.22% 00,0-25.42 00-0.23% 0,00-3.40 0-15.45%
Vehicles 00,0-24.77 00-0.25% 00,0-25.25 00-0.23% 0,00-0.48 00-1.94%
Paper and cardboard manufacturing 00,0-18.59 00-0.19% 00,0-20.86 00-0.19% 0,00-2.27 0-12.19%
Hats 00,00-8.47 00-0.08% 00,00-8.21 00-0.07% 0,00-0.26 00-3.05%
Exports by Main Products

Tons, thousands, Accumulated Jan-Apr

Category2023: Jan-Apr2024: Jan-Apr Variación
Volume (tonnes)Share of total (%)Volume (tonnes)Share of total (%)Volume (tonnes)%
Total exports -10,173,991.45 -100.00% -11,321,897.21 -100.00% -1,147,905.76 0-11.28%
Oil products 0-5,875,061.92 0-57.75% 0-7,161,362.14 0-63.25% -1,286,300.22 0-21.89%
Crude 0-4,927,704.01 0-48.43% 0-6,366,879.89 0-56.24% -1,439,175.88 0-29.21%
Byproducts 00,-947,357.91 00-9.31% 00,-794,482.25 00-7.02% 0,-152,875.66 0-16.14%
Non-oil products 0-4,298,929.53 0-42.25% 0-4,160,535.07 0-36.75% 0,-138,394.46 00-3.22%
Primary exports 0-3,707,038.26 0-36.44% 0-3,425,666.88 0-30.26% 0,-281,371.38 00-7.59%
Banana and plantain 0-2,578,384.08 0-25.34% 0-2,282,503.40 0-20.16% 0,-295,880.68 0-11.48%
Shrimp 00,-390,570.75 00-3.84% 00,-386,501.74 00-3.41% 0,00-4,069.00 00-1.04%
Mining products 00,-253,752.39 00-2.49% 00,-243,151.20 00-2.15% 0,0-10,601.19 00-4.18%
Wood 00,-183,205.52 00-1.80% 00,-190,381.30 00-1.68% 0,00-7,175.78 00-3.92%
Cocoa 00,0-96,934.63 00-0.95% 00,-119,895.07 00-1.06% 0,0-22,960.44 0-23.69%
Fruits 00,0-75,663.78 00-0.74% 00,0-71,663.86 00-0.63% 0,00-3,999.92 00-5.29%
Natural flowers 00,0-61,772.23 00-0.61% 00,0-59,643.35 00-0.53% 0,00-2,128.88 00-3.45%
Other 00,0-29,602.48 00-0.29% 00,0-37,546.91 00-0.33% 0,00-7,944.43 0-26.84%
Tuna and fish 00,0-31,088.29 00-0.31% 00,0-27,661.62 00-0.24% 0,00-3,426.67 0-11.02%
Manila hemp 00,00-3,139.50 00-0.03% 00,00-4,026.75 00-0.04% 0,000,-887.25 0-28.26%
Raw tobacco 00,00-2,439.45 00-0.02% 00,00-2,260.82 00-0.02% 0,000,-178.64 00-7.32%
Coffee 00,000,-485.15 00-0.00% 00,000,-430.87 00-0.00% 0,000,0-54.28 0-11.19%
Industrialized exports 00,-591,891.27 00-5.82% 00,-734,868.19 00-6.49% 0,-142,976.92 0-24.16%
Other industrialized 00,-220,908.01 00-2.17% 00,-267,861.18 00-2.37% 0,0-46,953.17 0-21.25%
Canned sea food 00,0-90,261.56 00-0.89% 00,-109,039.24 00-0.96% 0,0-18,777.68 0-20.80%
Vegetable extracts and oils 00,0-43,088.61 00-0.42% 00,0-57,798.76 00-0.51% 0,0-14,710.15 0-34.14%
Banana products 00,0-52,671.89 00-0.52% 00,0-56,645.64 00-0.50% 0,00-3,973.75 00-7.54%
Other metal manufactures 00,0-36,394.67 00-0.36% 00,0-54,977.86 00-0.49% 0,0-18,583.19 0-51.06%
Chemicals and pharmaceuticals 00,0-34,744.29 00-0.34% 00,0-41,069.26 00-0.36% 0,00-6,324.96 0-18.20%
Fishmeal 00,0-14,463.99 00-0.14% 00,0-35,241.13 00-0.31% 0,0-20,777.14 -143.65%
Plywood and chipboard 00,0-28,305.67 00-0.28% 00,0-30,597.17 00-0.27% 0,00-2,291.50 00-8.10%
Paper and cardboard manufacturing 00,0-13,478.90 00-0.13% 00,0-18,881.25 00-0.17% 0,00-5,402.35 0-40.08%
Leather, plastic and rubber manufacturing 00,0-19,280.47 00-0.19% 00,0-18,651.81 00-0.16% 0,000,-628.67 00-3.26%
Juices and fruit preserves 00,0-15,272.94 00-0.15% 00,0-12,545.98 00-0.11% 0,00-2,726.97 0-17.85%
Cocoa products 00,0-10,308.31 00-0.10% 00,0-12,052.28 00-0.11% 0,00-1,743.97 0-16.92%
Other sea products 00,00-2,824.42 00-0.03% 00,00-6,099.04 00-0.05% 0,00-3,274.62 -115.94%
Vehicles 00,000,-821.31 00-0.01% 00,00-4,730.12 00-0.04% 0,00-3,908.80 -475.92%
Textile manufactures 00,00-4,207.65 00-0.04% 00,00-4,458.35 00-0.04% 0,000,-250.70 00-5.96%
Coffee products 00,00-4,758.36 00-0.05% 00,00-4,127.44 00-0.04% 0,000,-630.92 0-13.26%
Hats 00,000,-100.21 00-0.00% 00,000,0-91.68 00-0.00% 0,000,00-8.53 00-8.51%
Monthly Oil Imports

YoY rate

Monthly Non-Oil Imports

YoY rate

Capital Goods Imports

YoY rate

Consumer Goods Imports

YoY rate

Raw Materials Imports

YoY rate

Importaciones no petroleras por capítulo nandina y procedencia

USD FOB, millions, Accumulated Jan-Apr

Importaciones no petroleras por capítulo nandina y procedencia

Toneladas, Accumulated Jan-Apr

Importaciones por uso (CUODE)

USD FOB, millions, Accumulated Jan-Apr

Importaciones por uso (CUODE)

Tons, thousands, Accumulated Jan-Apr